You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.7. REPORTS Menu > 5.7.5. Reports - Job Inquiry > Job Inquiry - Inquiry - Cost Centre

Job Inquiry - Inquiry - Cost Centre

The Job Cost Centre Inquiry displays the hours and costs (labour and/or materials) for each cost centre, totalled over all stages of the job, as well as the amount charged, the amount invoiced and Work in Progress.

  1. Display the job header screen for the job you want to inquire on.

Refer to "Reports - Job Inquiry".


Micronet displays the Cost Centre - Service Billing screen for service jobs or the Cost Centre Inquiry screen for manufactured or internal jobs.

This screen displays the following fields:





Cost Centre

The name of each cost centre.



For each cost centre, the actual hours (labour) posted against the job.



For each cost centre, the actual cost of sales (labour and/or materials) posted against the job.
  Charge For service jobs only, the actual amount already charged to the customer for each cost centre.
  Invoiced For service jobs only, the actual amount already invoiced to the customer for each cost centre.



For each cost centre, the amount of the Cost already charged to the customer for the job.
  1. When you have finished viewing the Job Cost Centre Inquiry, select EXIT.

Micronet redisplays the job header screen.